AIU students conducted a UN Model for school children
December 26, 2023
On December 16, 2023, the Secretariat and the Presidium, represented by Nurayim Doolotbekova and Elina Asekova from the Department of International and Business Law of the AIU, held a UN Model at the Stepanenko Belovodsk Secondary School № 2 together with the Belovodsk Youth Center and the Institute for Youth Development. The conference was attended by high school students of five schools in the village of Belovodsk such as School №3, School №2 named after V. V. Stepanenko, Secondary school named after K. Syidanov, Secondary School named after A. Sydykov, Pervomaiskaya Secondary School and Secondary School №10 named after A. S. Makarenko in Kara-Balta.
The UN Model is an educational reproduction of the work of the United Nations, in which students play the role of delegates representing various countries, trying to solve real world problems in accordance with the political course and position of the states they represent.
21 students representing 21 different countries took part in the UN Model Belovodsk 2023. The students modeled the work of the Human Rights Council. The Council's agenda for December 16, 2023 was “Protecting the rights and improving the lives of people with disabilities in Central Asia”.
This is the first UN Model held among schoolchildren in the village of Belovodsk. The conference participants acquired the skills of negotiation, writing positional reports, public speaking, information retrieval and critical thinking.